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EST. 2022

A Community For BIPOC Therapists, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners
Uncommon:/ˌənˈkämÉ™n/:Out of the ordinary; unusual.
BIPOC:/bye-pock/: Black, indigenous, people of color(i.e.-Asian, South Asian, Asian American, Latino/a, Multi-racial, Multi-ethnic)
Are you a current or aspiring therapist, entrepreneur, or small business owner of color?

Are you seeking a community that understands your unique experiences and challenges?

Are you looking for a space where you can find mentorship and consultation tailored to YOUR specific needs?

Welcome to Uncommon, a dedicated space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals like you.
Our goal is to foster an environment where you can thrive, surrounded by individuals who share your journey and challenges.
We understand what doesn't need to be spoken.
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